Monday, June 29, 2009

Henry gets the Tour and other fun in babyland

So Henry got some quality time with Grandma Jeanne and the "Grand" aunts ( I think that's what we're supposed to call them right?). Aunt Bea and Uncle Jerry made the trek from Mountain Home, Arkansas to the greater Chicagoland area last weekend and Aunt Chris came in for a visit as well and so it was only right that we partook in what is often referred to as "The Tour". This was my first time along with Henry's, John's and Aunt Chris'. We all piled into the mini van with Grandpa at the wheel and made the voyage down memory lane, also known as Des Plaines. Now for those who are not familiar, a "Tour" basically consists of native Forest Park-ians driving through town, pointing out old haunts, where different people lived (who don't live there anymore), gelato or some other type of frozen dessert and driving several circles around Grandma and Grandpa Pfaff's old home on Marengo. Now this was my first tour, not to mention a day tour therefore I know that it was slightly unorthodox in comparison to traditional tours. Usually the sisters and willing and unwilling participants travel undetected through the streets of forest park well after the sun has set, but due to time constraints and what not Henry's first tour happened during the day. All in all, the trip was a success! I think that Henry, although not a Forest Park native, may be able to develop an appreciation for the town that so many Pfaff's hold dear to their hearts and with much practice and gelato, he may even one day be entrusted to carry on the legacy of the tour by teaching future family members why this town is much more than the home of the Lemonhead.
Besides the great Pfaff fun, Henry also spent a little quality time with Aunt Sonja and Uncle Dave while they visited from K-town. Thanks for the great visits everyone, I think Henry is starting to realize how many great people there are for him to get to know. He's a cuddler and he's enjoying all of his options! P.S Thanks for introducing him to Grandma Pfaff's Lulu song Aunt Bea, there truly is some magic in that song.

Monday, June 22, 2009

"It's going to get easier"

Hello Everyone,
I've had the pleasure of following my cousin Gillian's new experiences as a mom and watching her daughter grow via her blog and so I thought, "Steal the idea, why yes I will!" So here it is, a blog dedicated to the new kid, and in my opinion,the cutest new baby on the block, Henry Robert Polanek. I hope to update this site regularly and keep everyone who's interested up to date on Henry's progress towards greatness. We'll see how I do, because as a new mom I'm realizing how hard it is to get those "To Do" lists done. For example it recently took me a week and a half to go to the post office and purchase stamps, I know pathetic. The good news is everyone keeps telling me that it gets easier, I don't know what exactly is going to get easier or when exactly it's going to happen, but I can't imagine EVERYONE is lying to me so I'm holding out for whatever comes my way. Just a reminder to anyone who hasn't heard, Henry's got his own smug mug website that we try to update regularly with the new photos and you can check that out at:

So we'll give this blog a shot and see how it goes! I'll be posting soon....