Monday, June 22, 2009

"It's going to get easier"

Hello Everyone,
I've had the pleasure of following my cousin Gillian's new experiences as a mom and watching her daughter grow via her blog and so I thought, "Steal the idea, why yes I will!" So here it is, a blog dedicated to the new kid, and in my opinion,the cutest new baby on the block, Henry Robert Polanek. I hope to update this site regularly and keep everyone who's interested up to date on Henry's progress towards greatness. We'll see how I do, because as a new mom I'm realizing how hard it is to get those "To Do" lists done. For example it recently took me a week and a half to go to the post office and purchase stamps, I know pathetic. The good news is everyone keeps telling me that it gets easier, I don't know what exactly is going to get easier or when exactly it's going to happen, but I can't imagine EVERYONE is lying to me so I'm holding out for whatever comes my way. Just a reminder to anyone who hasn't heard, Henry's got his own smug mug website that we try to update regularly with the new photos and you can check that out at:

So we'll give this blog a shot and see how it goes! I'll be posting soon....


  1. Yes! I love the blog! And for the record: parenting does get easier...and then it gets harder...and then it gets easier again. (repeat)

    Looking forward to as many Henry updates as you can manage!

  2. Hi Josie,
    Yes, it really does get easier. Once you start getting more sleep. It's been soooooo long since I've been there, but I want to guess 6 months, maybe sooner. I didn't have a blog or record everything and I wish I did. This is a great idea. Henry can some day read this and really get to know how he was as a baby.
