Monday, December 28, 2009


We made it through Henry's first Christmas and for all the fun and magic that it was, we are exhausted. Christmas eve was spent with the Polaneks/Beaudways/Pupas and much fun was had by all. Henry made out like a bandit and didn't even know it! One of his favorite gifts from that night is definitely his Liberty Renegade Jeep Walker from his Grandma. Now instead of bouncing in one spot in his jumpy chair, he can actually make tracks, slightly frightening for me and his father yet entertaining all the same. It was a late night for us but Henry kept up the Christmas cheer attitude and thoroughly enjoyed his time spent with the family. We even got some great footage of his Great Grandpa making him laugh. The next day we spent at my parents' house and although we missed some of our Christmas regulars we were super happy to have Aunt Sue, Aunt Fran, Uncle Phil, Grandma Eichorst, and Donna all come in for the festivities (oh and Aunt Fran and Uncle Phil's amazingly behaved dog Dakota). Dinner was excellent and even though Henry fought the naps with all of his might, he still managed to keep his pleasant demeanor, at least until we got him back home to our place..... So many people were generous and thinking of him this year that we had to go out yesterday and by a toy box from Ikea just to house Henry's new stuff!
Anyway, I am still paying for his out of wack routine the last several days and the extreme over stimulation that ensued, but the holidays were perfect and Henry enjoyed every second spent celebrating. This week we are lucky enough to have a nice long visit from his cousins Lily and Nyle which will end with us all ringing in the New Year together. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I'll be checking back in soon! Lots of love!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Henry's advenure to Dipti's Salon and other Holiday Tales

Well it is the end of a long Monday, just a few days away from Henry's very first Christmas and we're getting things done! Today Henry went on a long excursion with some of the finest ladies in the Chicago suburbs to our favorite eyebrow threading lady, Dipti of "Dipti's Salon". Thanks to my good friend Carrie, we were introduced to Dipti and great eyebrow sculpting ensued. This was Henry's second trip to the humble one room "salon" in Skokie or maybe its still considered Chicago there, either way it was a hike but well worth the trip. Why else would you spend over two hours in a car with a 7 month old, in Christmas shopping traffic on a Monday morning than to get the hair ripped off of your face. Henry was great though, in fact, he has improved his attitude in the car big time and I couldn't be happier about it! Since his Aunt Jinnie is on school break, we followed up our trip to Dipti's with a mad dash to the mall to finish up some loose end Christmas shopping, where once again Henry turned on the charm and a positive attitude. Tomorrow the "little guy" turns 7 months. I know unbelievable. Sometimes when I'm rocking him back to sleep in the middle of the night (yeah he's still not quite a sleeping champion yet) I think to myself, he is going to continue growing and becoming his own person and maybe needing me a little less, I mean I'm sure he'll come to me for advice here and there, but I know it won't be in the way he needs me right now and that always chokes me up a bit. As this year is coming to an end, I can't even wrap my head around how much my life and John's life has changed this year. Changed in a way that I never knew it could and for as hard as so many moments of it can be, I couldn't feel happier or more in love. I'll definitely post some Christmas pics after I get them. I know I've been slacking with the smugmug updates but I've been busy doing lots of things even though I couldn't make a list of what I've accomplished at the moment, I just know I feel busy.... Well, just a little update for everyone. I promise I'll get pics up early next week and maybe an exciting video clip or two as well. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you Henry fans out there, we love you all!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Forget Santa I'm looking for the Sandman.....

So when I first became a mother, I heard that the first six weeks were the hardest and I had that point to look forward to, while enjoying everything in between of course. It was just the sleep deprivation hit in a way that is almost impossible to imagine unless you've experienced it. After six weeks, sure Henry got better here and there. He went from waking up every two hours to three and then progressively got better. A couple times, even giving us a 6 hour run!!! If only I would have known that those times would be few maybe I would have enjoyed them a little more instead of laying in bed wondering if I should go in and check to make sure everything was ok since he was quiet for so long. Anyway, what I'm getting at is Henry, in all his charm, fuzzy headedness, his way of smiling and laughing at his admirers and studly 22 pound self is the best thing that John and I have had happen to us....yet he absolutely stinks at sleeping at night. Today is one of those mornings that I'm teetering on hysterical laughter and tears, I'm not quite sure what will send me one way or another. So far I've heard a list of about 50 different ways to make Henry sleep through the night and nothing as worked although we've tried it all. Well I started this post at 6am and am now finishing it at 5:45pm because my back up has finally arrived (that's John). I'm always interested in hearing new suggestions but I'm sort of guessing that Henry has a game plan of his own. Cheers to being a Mom!